Wednesday, December 22, 2010

New Dart Tag Blaster!

A video leaked out a while ago, and you all have probably seen it already. However if you haven't, here is the video.

Credits go to Kevinericon for this video.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Amazon Nerf Sales!!!


Currently the Nerf products on Amazon are cheaper than ever! Buy quick, you never know when the sales will end! This would definitely let you buy more for holiday shopping, while staying on budget! Please click here to see the sales!!!

Stampede ECS-50 - $39.00!!!
Raider CS-35 - $27.99!!!
Longstrike CS-6 - $24.99!!!

Clear Vulcan EBF-25

Recently, Hasbro has decided to shelf the rumored Clear Series Vulcan EBF-25. They are currently a Target exclusive, so get them there! Click to go to Target's online store!

There are a couple differences with the original worth mentioning. The first and most prominent is the Clear shell recoloring and red darts. Second, they redesigned the belt a little bit. The belt sections now have a half pipe cutaway in the front, instead of a full pipe. The advantages to this are being able to remove the darts from the belt if needed and ease of loading. The second picture below has a good view of the half pipe cutaway.

Yankdogger7's opinions: "This, and all the other blasters in the Clear Series and Sonic Series, is just another marketing technique by Hasbro; to try to get customers to buy more blasters. This, unlike the other clear series blaster has an advantage over the predecessor, which is the half pipe cutaway. So if you want a Vulcan, you should get this one. If you already have the Vulcan, this blaster isn't worth buying."

Here are some photos of the box and the blaster, respectively. (Photos courtesy of Target's online site).

Nerf Sonic Series

The Nerf Sonic Series is a new line of blasters much like the Clear Series. It is essentially recoloring of preexisting Nerf blaster much like Clear Series, but instead, there is a green tint to the transparent outer casing. There are five blasters that are currently in the Sonic Series, them being the Recon CS-6, the Deploy CS-6, the Vulcan EBF-25, the Nite Finder EX-3, and the Maverick REV-6. They are a Toys R Us exclusive.

Yankdogger7's opinions: "If you are tight on cash, I wouldn't consider buying these blasters. They are just like the normal blasters. In my opinion, the green clashes a bit with the orange colors. It would have been much better if they had a blue transparency. However, if you have the money to spend and like the looks of them, they are a great addition to your current Nerf arsenal."

Here are the photos of the Blasters (courtesy of Toys R Us website). 
From top to bottom, it is the Nite Finder EX-3, Maverick REV-6, Recon CS-6, Deploy CS-6, and the Vulcan EBF-25.