Saturday, January 1, 2011

Nerf Dart Tag Quick 16 Blaster

Looks like there will be another new Dart Tag blaster to look out for besides the "Swarmfire." This blaster has the same paint scheme and aesthetic details as the "Swarmfire" but in the general shape of a Raider CS-35. However, it features a built in 16 dart clip in the bottom. The blaster obviously features slam-fire.

Yankdogger7's opinions: "The quick 16 looks really cool, and the loading mechanism looks very interesting and innovative. I think this would be a great substitute for the Swarmfire if the Swarmfire costs too much. The bending back of the magazine looks a little weird. However, it looks pretty necessary if you understand the geometry of how tagger darts would fit in a clip. Anyways, this looks like it would take some serious modifying to make it use stefans, so I'd just recommend this to the tagger dart fans if you aren't a pro modifier."

Here are a couple pictures I found off of ebay. Courtesy to the seller of this listing.

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